What is the DecidED API


  1. About the DecidED API
  2. What services can be accessed through the API
    1. Letter Processing Service
    2. Data queries
  3. How to sign up to the DecidED API

About the DecidED API

The DecidED API is a GraphQL programming interface that allows you to consume the services offered by the DecidED platform from your own system.

The DecidED API is hosted at https://api.decided.org/api/graphql/. We also provide a front facing app at https://app.api.decided.org that can be used to interact with some of our services without the need for an API integration.

The DecidED API is currently in beta. Many features are being developed, and many existing features may change in the future. The current schema of the API is not guaranteed to remain stable.

What services can be accessed through the API

Currently we offer access to our Letter Processing Service, and also allow querying some of the data exposed by our Advisor App, which includes Student and College data.

Letter Processing Service

Our Letter Processing Service can ingest a batch of Financial Aid Award Letters and automatically extract aid and cost data from them. We support an ever growing amount of letter layouts and multiple file formats. Letters that can't be entirely processed by our automatic classifiers can optionally be manually reviewed by one of our team members to extract the data. In both cases, the data is extracted in the same format and it can be queried directly over the API, exported to CSV, and communicated in real time over webhooks.

Read more in the Letter Processing Service section.

Data queries

Data available to Advisor and Student users is also available for consumption over the API. We currently provide queries for colleges and majors, the same used in our Student app, but more queries will be added in the future. Owners of organizations with advisor users will also have the possibility of querying data of the students who have joined the organization.

How to sign up for the DecidED API

While the API is in beta, registration is only on a per request basis. Contact us to request access for you or your organization. If you already use the Advisor app, you can request that your API user is linked to the organization you already have.